Oglala Lakota College Newsletter Wicha'pi 2016: wokiksuye Newton Cummings, digital repatriation olc archives, 43rd graduation ceremony, archives connecting with students and community, financial aid to students, olc youth sports program
Oglala Lakota College Newsletter Tabloka Oko Wanji January/February 1996: nursing program pass rate, aihec news, department news, center news, bot, and college days
Oglala Lakota College Newsletter Tabloka Oko Wanji October 1996: Woksape Tipi opening, new college centers to be built, enrollment numbers, district center news, student support services, department news, administrative news
Oglala Sioux Community College (Lakota Higher Education Center) Newsletter 1975 (Volume No. 1, Issue No. 2) covering G.E.D services, administrative office news, a message from the President Thomas Shortbull, and the Fall Semester of 1975 course catalog.